Twinkle twinkle little shell


Imagine the sand as the infinite sky and each shell as a star.


With Christmas approaching many responses to the Twinkle photo challenge are going to be of festive lights.

Here in South Australia Christmas heralds the onset of high summer and, whilst we do have lights and trees and decorations, it’s not the same as in the northern hemisphere. For me, twinkle is rather the play of light on the water and the shells on the beach at sunrise. Imagine the sand as the infinite sky and each shell as a star. Constellations and galaxies of shells are washed up on the beach each day, flung into existence by the tide from the ocean.

For the Daily Post photo challenge Twinkle

I will be blogging more about Aussie Christmas over the next few days in Please drop by to visit or to leave a comment. Dr D.


8 comments on “Twinkle twinkle little shell”

  1. I love that quote you shared. Now I’ll never look at the sand at the beach the same way again. Stars in the sand. Indeed. Each seashell is unique with it’s own patterns.

    It’s the same kind of Christmas in South Australia here in Melbourne weatherwise. But the forecast for us is a rainy Christmas day. I remember last year I went to the beach on this day and the sunshine was gorgeous.

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